5 may 2017

El autoconsumo podría ahorrar a Autralía 75.000 millones de USD

Distributed energy technologies such as solar and battery-based storage could save Australia US$75 billion by 2050 and completely eliminate greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new report from the government's scientific R&D agency CSIRO and Energy Networks Australia (ENA).

The release named ‘Electricity Network transformation Roadmap: Final Report’ also details how individual households could save AU$414 every year on average by combining solar and batteries. If a clear roadmap is followed, then network charges could also be 30% lower.

Customers are placed at the centre of Australia’s future electricity system. They are empowered with greater choice, control and autonomy while enjoying the security and benefits of a grid-connection. Transformed electricity networks actively connect customers with a growing range of market actors and customised electricity solutions that are supported by a modernised customer safety net designed for the 21st century energy system.

A fairer system through active implementation of tariff reform and modernised regulation and competition frameworks. More customer oriented outcomes are supported ensuring those without distributed energy resources are treated fairly, while those with distributed energy resources are able to receive incentives for providing network support services that improve the efficiency of the grid for all.